Over the years, the time just never seemed right to have a family portrait taken again. Mostly, we just never thought about it. We took a few snapshots of our children with the compact cameras of the day but sadly never got around to processing them.
So, in the end, we have a few school pictures of our children and "that's all." We have no family portraits at all.
The word, "someday," resounds in my thoughts from time to time. As a grandfather, time has taught me one of life's hard lessons: "Someday" is Today. Time passes all too quickly. Children grow up, move away, begin making a new life and raising their own families. If I could, I would go back and have those portraits made of my children and family, but that's no longer possible.
Life's hardest lessons can be a burden or an opportunity. I choose to pro-actively take the opportunity to make a difference. Taking portraits of children and families for me is more a "calling" than a business. If there is anything learned from my own personal lessons, it's that I continually take the opportunity to encourage my family-at-large to "make the time" to have portraits taken of their family and children. I will spend the rest of my days grasping for memories, each moment, every expression my family has to offer as if my life depended on it in the form of a photograph. It's just that important! (Alright, take a deep breath. Paul.)
My grandchildren will call out to me, "Catch Me If You Can - Granddad." The truth is they really do mean it. Proudly, the two boys in the children's portrait are my grand children.
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